Green certificate


Gumiimpex-GRP uses electricity from 100% renewable sources.

Gumiimpex-GRP received a ZelEn certificate for 2017 confirming that 7,597 MWh of electricity was supplied from 100% renewable sources.

The sign "E FRIENDSHIP OF GREEN ENERGY" confirms that the electricity we use in the "GUMIIMPEX-GRP" system is produced from renewable energy sources.

The ZelEn sign was created by the combination of the word Green Energy. The TÜV SÜD Renewable Unit certificate, issued to HEP, certifies that the electricity supplied comes from renewable energy sources according to the “Generation EE” standard.

ZelEn is a value-added product that HEP and consumers in Croatia are responsible for meeting the EU's energy and climate policy goals. Therefore, ZelEn is also a testament to our socially responsible and sustainable business.

As a customer, Gumiimpex-GRP may place a trademark on its products and communication materials, thereby guaranteeing its customers and customers that it uses green electricity in its operations.

The socially responsible partnership between HEP ​​and Gumiimpex-GRP is reflected in the use of funds raised through the sale of green electricity. All funds raised through the sale of ZelEn products will be used exclusively by HEP to finance renewable energy and energy efficiency projects for the needs of the socially vulnerable category of public sector service users, such as children's homes, retirement homes, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and similar to. For this purpose, a dedicated body in HEP ​​will select the best projects, based on proposals that can be made by all ZelEna customers.

In 2016, HEP SUPPLY d.o.o. delivered to Gumiimpex-GRP 6,727 MWh of electricity from 100% renewable sources.

For more information on the ZelEn project, click here.

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