Home Rubberizing of metal elements

Rubberizing of metal elements

Rubberizing of metal elements, tanks, filters, pipelines, fittings

Dimensions / shapes

  • in a larger autoclave for maximum lengths up to 6 m, up to 3 m in diameter
  • in a smaller autoclave for maximum lengths up to 3 m, up to 1.5 m in diameter


- Rubber materials are prepared according to the medium for which the container or valve is intended for, the most common materials are:

  • EBONIT (hard rubber 70 Sh D scale), outstanding chemical resistance
  • CLIIR (Clorbutyl Rubber 45 Sh A Scale), low chemical resistance, vulcanized
  • NR - SBR (tire with increased abrasion resistance)

The materials used to protect the rubberized elements against the corrosive and abrasive effects of the media present in them.

Technological processing process

  • preparing the surface of the rubber container
  • preparation and application of rubber compound
  • steam and hot water vulcanization
  • finishing
  • leakage testing / control by electro-induction method
  • supporting documentation: guarantee of the quality of the work performed, certificate of electro-induction testing of the rubberized surface, attestation and technical characteristics for the embedded material and diagram of vulcanization


  • Rubberizing of different tanks for aggressive media (acids, alkalis)
  • complete pipelines or parts thereof
  • valve housings (diaphragm valves)
  • swimming pools
  • vibrators for cleaning metal forgings
  • anion-cation exchanger
  • various galvanic tubs and more

Rubberizing of the rollers

Dimensions / shapes

  • it is possible to rubberize rollers up to 5000 mm in length and up to 720 mm in diameter


  • the material is selected based on the application and the media it comes in contact with, temperature, pressure, speed, machine characteristics
  • the rubberized layer protects against wear the expensive metal core of the rollers
  • quick and repeated restoration of the rubber layer is possible, which reduces maintenance costs and reduces production processes

Technological processing process

  • preparation of the metal core of the roller by shot
  • coating with crude rubber compound - vulcanization of rubber element in autoclave
  • sanding finish
  • electroinduction testing


  • rollers for transport (metal, construction, wood industry)
  • paint rollers (printing industry)
  • rollers for adhesive application (production of wood elements)
  • rollers as drive elements for various conveyors, conveyor belts, etc.

Over 50 years
Over 50 years of experience and tradition
Professional and long term
Professional and long term partnership with customers and suppliers
High quality
High quality rubber products and services
Production +7000
Production +7000 rubber technical products annually